Have you ever been interested in what makes people Balkan?

Have you ever been interested in what makes people of the Balkan Balkan? Or perhaps which traits make us different in relation to Germans, Italians, Americans or Chinese?

The Balkans have a lot of weird traits which are different in other societies and therefore they stand out.

Below are some of these traits.

You have to share your room until you are at least 27 years old.

Everything you eat is seasoned with red and white onions.

At the airport you have the biggest suitcases.

You are usually an hour or two late to a party or coffee and you think that it’s normal.

All children have nicknames that are not remotely similar to their real names.

When you leave a home, you stay in front of the door and talk for at least an hour.

Your mother tells you that you are thin, even though you have 20 kilograms of extra kilos.

The house is full of medicines that are old and have expired.

You do not know how to use a dishwasher.

You and your friends get thrown out of a cafe or a restaurant because you are too loud.

You have an old and dirty, torn cloth in the kitchen.

You use bags from the garbage dump.

Your father slaughtered a lamb in the courtyard at least once.

You do not come near to the recipe when you are cooking.

When your parents talk with you, they do not understand that you can hear them even when they speak normally.

If you do not live with your parents at home, they call you and ask if you ate even at midnight.

"Normal” is the thing when 600 people come to your wedding.

Your 15-year-old sister can drink more than any American.

You have all the most modern home appliances, but your mother uses a furnace in the basement.

Your parents vacate only once a year, in the same country you live in.

You have a better car than your parents.

Your future is written down at the bottom of a cup of coffee, and you believe it.

Your parents use cassettes instead of CDs.

You hide alcohol in suitcases in plastic bottles, under tons of clothes.

Your surname consists of 17 consonants and 2 vowels.

You find yourself in most of these situations.

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