I love these conspiracy theories, because they are usually funny or give you cancer. Please read this with caution as you will most likely wake up less intelligent and remain like that for ages. It’s also very funny and I will add some commentary.
I can not source it because it's translated from slovenian.
I can not source it because it's translated from slovenian.
People are learning step by step that they are slaves of the world elite (Illuminati), who has bought all inventions, from free energy to extraterrestrial technology. They even sold us to extraterrestrials.
Man! You lost all your credibility when you brought in the aliens.
The World Mafia (Illuminati) has learned that human DNA is changing and the bundles in the DNA helix are being added, which are nothing more than memory space (similar to a computer memory). The expanded memory of the DNA is dedicated to the evolutionary jump, the reunification of the Higher Self with the physical self.
The World Mafia (Illuminati) has learned that human DNA is changing and the bundles in the DNA helix are being added, which are nothing more than memory space (similar to a computer memory). The expanded memory of the DNA is dedicated to the evolutionary jump, the reunification of the Higher Self with the physical self.
No shit it’s changing Sherlock, but it doesn’t work like that. I know.. biology comes in 5th grade which surely you did not attend.
In the past (at the time of Atlantis) a human had his entire soul in the physical body. If this happens again, man will get supernatural properties, such as telepathy, teleportation, formation of matter with the mind (so the pyramids were built) and other supernatural properties, a lighter body, etc.
In the past (at the time of Atlantis) a human had his entire soul in the physical body. If this happens again, man will get supernatural properties, such as telepathy, teleportation, formation of matter with the mind (so the pyramids were built) and other supernatural properties, a lighter body, etc.
Yikes. Keep reading.
Because the world mafia is aware of this, it can lose control of humanity, since there will be no more lies, there will be no differences between people (all souls are the same), they are trying to stop this evolutionary leap by all means necessary.
Uf I bet you’re wondering.
By influencing the collective human consciousness that is part of the ether or akasha (example 9/11).
By influencing the collective human consciousness that is part of the ether or akasha (example 9/11).
Mhm, go on.
By sowing fear. It is the programming of individuals who are shooting under the control of the mind by schools, etc.
By sowing fear. It is the programming of individuals who are shooting under the control of the mind by schools, etc.
Yep, it has nothing to do with mental disorders and everything with being programmed.
By destroying financial systems. People thus deal with existence and instead of an evolutionary leap - work on themselves.
In literature, Atlantis used money. So I suppose they weren’t superduper humans with third eyes and stuff right?
With chemtrails. They affect health and control the weather, while the HAARP & chemtrail system generates storms, hurricanes, droughts, and floods.
Ever heard of condensation? Anyway those thing didn’t happen before we had airplanes.
With fluorination of water and fluoride in toothpastes. Fluorine affects nerves, in addition, it blocks the epiphysis-third eye, which is our contact with the collective human consciousness and the higher self.
Speaking of biology.. Biology!
With artificial sweeteners (aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol ...).
With GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Monsanto with its genetically modified plants kills people. The second generation eating will be sterile. GMOs cause cancer and more people, when extermination its easier, control of the remains (bio) of the slaves for which large cities (hospitals) are already being prepared all over the world. People deliberately turn to big cities.
Your writing causes cancer not GMOs. Although Monsanto is evil.
With vaccines. Microplasmas in vaccines, adjuvants (mercury, aluminum ... both extremely toxic to the body). In addition, there are 4-5 types of patented microplates that are genetically engineered to cause AIDS. That's why so many get AIDS in Africa, the good Melinda Gates Foundation helps Africans with AIDS and sterilization, and at the same time sponsors chemtrail. Do you think there is so much sex in poor Africa that they have so much AIDS?
With vaccines. Microplasmas in vaccines, adjuvants (mercury, aluminum ... both extremely toxic to the body). In addition, there are 4-5 types of patented microplates that are genetically engineered to cause AIDS. That's why so many get AIDS in Africa, the good Melinda Gates Foundation helps Africans with AIDS and sterilization, and at the same time sponsors chemtrail. Do you think there is so much sex in poor Africa that they have so much AIDS?
Vaccines are bad. Don’t vaccinate your kids, let them get the black plague, die from a common cold etc. And yes, poor countries have more sex and more children, less protection and therefore are more prone to sexual diseases. Such as AIDS for example.
By deliberately destroying natural seeds in favor of Monsanto. World GMO mafia is not, they have seed banks of natural plants for themselves. For the White House, they had a bio garden for the elite; in the military bio garden gardens for the guardian mafia, ordinary people eat GMOs and toxic foods).
Ok. Possible. I mean Monsanto really is shady but most seed banks are publicly funded and seeds are usually available for research that benefits the public.
With the privatization of water. Guess who's got it in their hands and what you are going to drink?
Private water?
With land taxes and laws that immediately take away your property. The world mafia wants slaves and if you do not have a place to live, you have to obey them, live where they want.
For those taxes you get roads, pipelines, schools, etc. They don’t profit from homeless people.
By chipping people. The first attempts were made in Vienna in 1998. Jane Burgermeister found her chips in a bird flu vaccine. Barack Obama has a majority stake in Baxter, who produced the vaccine.
Possible. Easier tracking. Fucking Obama. Almost made me a racist lol. Kidding.
With the illusion of democracy. Who else believes in it? Whatever you like, they are always the same in power, controlled by the world mafia.
With digital TV. This is the way in which your mind can be locked and damage your health (implanting disease, and pharmacy serves). Have you ever needed to buy something when you saw a particular advertisement? The subliminal messages that affect subconsciousness are most common in commercials, and in all Hollywood films, since the entire Western film industry is in the hands of the world mafia. The actors are programmed from birth for specific roles, including singers (Lady Gaga, Madonna, Beyonce, Rihanna, stars who suddenly appeared and who perform satanic rituals at their concerts).
Restraining myself.
With mobile phones, WI-FI and cellular towers. Radio transmitters, through them, lower frequencies that inhibit an evolutionary leap, deteriorate health, and they own it. What will only happen when the mafia engages in the killer frequency. Therefore, do not use a mobile phone, if it is not necessary, hold it at least 2 cm from the body, as in 2 minutes. Destroys 1,000 brain cells(worked on him 100%). If you have a home WI-FI or DECT phone, change the connection to the internet with cable and replace the DECT phone with wired. Excellent protection is orgone generators, and the orgone top also works against chemtrails.
This person sure knows his physics. F=M x Brain damage.
With digital counters for electricity. Each new digital counter is i.e. Smart meter and when sending the signal wirelessly, it actually kills you because it destroys the DNA with the destructive power of the WI-FI. Did you get a notice to change the meter? Some of us were surprised when we noticed that we have a digital counter in the block, and read about the dangers of these meters online. These counters are part of the last control chain, as they can see what you use in the dwelling, which programs you watch on TV, etc. If they think that your electricity consumption is too high, they will turn off electricity.. That's why new smartphones are coming to the market from smart TV to smartphones, all in favor of control and influence on the human mind.
Counters are evil. Go be an amish.
With allopathic medicine. It is controlled by the global mafia through organizations such as FDA, WHO, etc. Do you think the cancer cure does not exist? Many years ago, they could cure it. However, the world mafia has concealed everything, and doctors have hidden it. A long-term ill patient is the biggest profit. How do we have so many "chronic" illnesses today? Do not you think weird?
Do you know that they had many more chronic diseases in the past? And that they got cured in order for you not to have them today and live longer? Shocking I know.
With viruses, bacteria and fungi. For millennia, viruses, bacteria and fungi are part of humans. Doesn't it seem strange that nature would create something so devastating? Viruses, bacteria and fungi are only a consequence, not the cause of the disease. This is the biggest lie of official medicine (the disclosure of virologist Stefan Lanke)
They still are part of us. Some in the form of disease. Sigh.
By locking up kooks like you.
Let's keep track of alternative news, be aware that 90% of news stories are written by Illuminati as a means of arousing fear.
Let's be aware that our goal is to merge with our higher self, only with change all the above can be stopped.
Ee loco coco mumbo jumbo.
Let's get in touch with nature, walk barefoot on the earth (contact our soul with our mother Earth, which also has awareness), perform ripening in the sun (last hour before sunbathing or an hour after sunrise with bare feet standing on the ground and sun in the sun, with a few seconds then gradually prolong the ripening. For other information, browse the web).
Which is clearly a reliable source mind you!
Meet with happy people, because they increase frequency.
Let's play with children and animals.
Let us put away fear, feelings of guilt, everything that burdens us.
Take care of proper nutrition; cells need cholesterol for the connection with a higher self.
The body needs minerals and vitamins (but does not articulate) - the Codex Alimentarius therefore reduces and prohibits them, the mafia plans to sell mineral-vitamin preparations only on prescription and even at 100x lower concentrations.
Let's get in touch with nature, walk barefoot on the earth (contact our soul with our mother Earth, which also has awareness), perform ripening in the sun (last hour before sunbathing or an hour after sunrise with bare feet standing on the ground and sun in the sun, with a few seconds then gradually prolong the ripening. For other information, browse the web).
Which is clearly a reliable source mind you!
Meet with happy people, because they increase frequency.
Let's play with children and animals.
Let us put away fear, feelings of guilt, everything that burdens us.
Take care of proper nutrition; cells need cholesterol for the connection with a higher self.
The body needs minerals and vitamins (but does not articulate) - the Codex Alimentarius therefore reduces and prohibits them, the mafia plans to sell mineral-vitamin preparations only on prescription and even at 100x lower concentrations.
CO2 is needed for the proper functioning of the brain, it also reduces the warming of the earth in a natural way (the world mafia is lowering it, and you pay a tax in their favor).
Love the Sun. Namely, the Sun is a consciousness like Earth and gives energy for change, sunglasses prevent the flow of light through the pituitary gland to the epiphysis (the third eye). Pay attention to deliberate propaganda, such as lubrication with sunscreens full of bisphenol and other chemicals that create new cancerous patients for their earnings. If a person gradually sinks, he does not need any creams. The sun in 1h drains most cancer cells, the sun is a medicine and not our enemy
In conclusion, you presented no facts of any kind. Full of crap, disregarding science and encouraging people to be retarded. Sun doesn’t cure cancer, you don’t get cancer just like that. Not everything is a conspiracy, plus we live longer and healthier than ever before. Be a hippie somewhere else.
The only mistake the elite ever made was giving acces to the internet to imbeciles like you.
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