A “fan” asked me this;
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
The answer is simple. You look stupid if you don't know what you're doing and instead of asking for advice you decide to look incompetent. Remember, your fear of looking stupid is making you look stupid. And this applies to the most trivial chores.
Putting that aside, here are a few things everyone looks stupid doing!
Taking a picture with an ipad.
Looks pretty stupid Arnold.
Stepping into a spider-web. You look like you're being attacked by an invisible ninja.
Kinda like this.
Waiting for a sneeze that never comes and being left with a stupid look on your face.
Waiting for people to laugh at your joke.
That's exactly what you look like.
Taking pictures of food.
Studies have shown that food tastes better if you take pictures of it .
Slipping and trying not to fall.
I can watch this for hours.
Bad photoshop.
Nice try mate.
Stuff like this.
Take it off man.
Do you agree? Have some to add? Want more? Comment below, ask me a question you want answered!
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