People think that you are too sensitive? That you have intense feelings? That you're caring? You find it hard to forget what people have done to you and can't move forward? You cry when watching Tittanic?
If you found yourself in any of the above, then newsflash. YOU’RE A CUNT.
If you found yourself in any of the above, then newsflash. YOU’RE A CUNT.
Constructive criticism is a foreign word for you.
Crtitics are critics and words hurt, boo-hoo, grow up. Even if it's constructive criticism it doesn't hurt any less. And even if they say “no-offense” or I have a remark to make. It hurts. Your emotions prevent you from rational thinking and getting over yourself and can't admit that you are completely insignificant to the world and that no one cares about emotions that you have! Grow a pair for fucks sake.
You know you live by double standards.
You overly emotional people have no god damn problem criticizing others but can't accept any criticism in return, which by the way furtherly proves that you are infact a cunt. Oh how it would tear me apart if someone criticised me like that you think to yourself while criticising. *Sigh,*
You criticize yourself most.
Ironic I know. You can't take crtitics but you do it to yourself all the time. But that's because you are self observant and don't really care about anyone else because you are unstable. You fill your ego with self pity and excessive narcissism which involves looking at yourself, while crying.
You spot the insignificant things that don't really matter.
You are incredibly good at seeing even the most insignificant little things. You might also feel the changes in energy in the room - for example, when a new person enters. But that only further proves that you are unstable and self observant.
You cry all the time.
You don't cry out of joy or sadness. You cry because you are looking for attention.
You have friends, that don't return the attention you give them.
Once again this proves your gigantic ego. You think you're better than your friends, but you're not. You think you feel empathy and understanding but in reality you're just trying to prove to yourself that you are better.
In the end, I suppose you're overly emotional because you know you're a cunt and need to make yourself feel better somehow. By crying or excessive hugging or some shit. Piss off.
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